Our Photography Space blogs are intended as a resource for lovers of everything in photography. Its purpose is to provide photography tips, ideas for you to think about and encouragement on creativity. It is a mix of original material, links and reposted material, and guest bloggers. Our blog posts create content that people can share on our social networks - Facebook and Instagram. Welcome to our blogging space.

Online Photography Course

Spot the difference

  • By Andrew Thomasson

Spot the difference between these two images to sharpen your observation skills. We would like to see you spot at least ten differences in under 5 minutes to give yourself a pat on the back!


Online Photography Course

Test your architectural knowledge

  • By Serena Pearce

We have put together some images below from 12 different locations. Some of them have similar architectural origins just to test you! It is your quest to try and match the set of images with the location - a city or country is acceptable and the answers are at the end of the blob so try to resist the urge to cheat!